Dr Virago Pete's
DSLR Camera Sensor & Mirror Cleaning Service
Lets face it - cleaning your sensor is not something the average person should even attempt to do on their own. The sophisticated cameras in todays world require a professional to do this for you. Otherwise a few things may happen to your well loved expensive camera.
1. Scratches on your image sensor caused by dragging dust across
2. Pesky dust which attached itself and wont come off easily
3. Smears and splotches from oil
4. Halo around objects
5. Dont be fooled into using cheap cleaning solutions on your expensive camera
6. You need a steady hand
7. Dust is like microscopic sandpaper
8. Beware of gizmos that clean the dust but ruin the sensor
9. Shipping damage
10. Voiding warranty
11. Online advice is foolish-amateur-central
12. Do you feel lucky enough to try it yourself? Dont
The higher the megapixels, the more noticeable any blemished or dust particles on your image sensor. The mirror and image sensor 1) help you compose the shot 2) actually take the shot in a fraction of a second. Having a clean image and being able to perform your work - is a luxury. It should be a nice peaceful thing to take a photo. When you have dust or debris - and the photographer is purposefully composing the shot in order to AVOID the dust being noticeable - whether post processed in your favorite image software to remove dust OR on-the-job placing your dust over something inconspicuous. Thats a real waste of your time and energy and creativity. YOU SHOULD HAVE A CLEAN SENSOR AND MIRROR.
I have very steady hands, and the experience of 30+ years of all kinds of project know-how (have you ever seen a longer webpage in your life - see all the links at the top)
I have all kinds of experience with photography and commercial digital photography and video and film transfers. A piece of dust in the wrong place - can cause a whole lot of un-necessary REDO work or POST PROCESSING work. I regularly maintain my own equipment and also repair and clean all kinds of equipment including image sensors BIG SMALL and CONSUMER AND PROSUMER AND PROFESSIONAL types.
The average ordinary camera - I can give a standard price for cleaning. $150 including return shipping.
The PROSUMER AND PROFESSIONAL camera - I reserve the right to charge a higher fee for that- I take that on a case-by-case basis and I have a small $10 quote fee for those- as the level of difficulty varies from various models and various brands.
What I dont want is - someone trying to dump their problem on me - for example a person with a known scratched mirror or image sensor - sending it to me for BOGUS cleaning. No nonsense like that please.
If you have previously attempted to clean your own image sensor - No Thanks Ill pass on it.
Its kind of like a vintage TV Repair Shops saying "Im sorry our policy is that we do not accept TVs which have a previous repair attempt" They would look for bodged screws and signs of the warranty seal broken- because they knew of all of the amateurness that the general public can do to a device. Well a DSLR is even more sensitive than that. Imagine the damage an amateur can do to an expensive mirror or image sensor.
Why risk that sort of damage? - dont let your employees tinker with your arsenal of cameras.
Dont buy cheap cleaning kit for your expensive camera - that is asking for trouble. Think about it - lets say you use the kit and you have a delaminating of your DSLR sensor or mirror. That cheap store will not hesistate to refund your $5 cleaning kit price. However - your expensive camera is ruined. What does that accomplish? Anything?
Its like shooting a housefly with a shotgun. Well gee you got the fly - but ruined your house. Scratching your image sensor with a cheap cleaning kit - getting your $5 refund - it is not commesurate with the end result.
Some people have the "Gee I cleaned it myself and saved $150 smirk on their face." Well you got lucky this time. Maybe next time that amateur will be trying to sell off his/her camera in an unscrupulous manner to an unsuspecting buyer telling all kinds of lies to hide the fact that he/she has a scratched image sensor. My point is - dont listen to amateurs giving bad advice. Cleaning your own camera sensor is risky- the average person is not skilled to do this. Sometimes the unskilled are braggarts and mislead others to try and do it the same way. Do you feel lucky? Are you prepared to have a permanently damaged image?
My point is I can do it for you. Using safe cleaning procedures and professional cleaning tools.
I suggest very very careful packaging of your expensive camera to avoid shipping damage. The VERY BEST box you can use is your original box and packing materials. Then put a BOX_IN_A_BOX with a moat of bubblewrap in-between-boxes as a cushion. WE BOTH WANT A SAFE JOURNEY FOR YOUR CAMERA. Ive never had any problems or issues because my buyers tend to be wise and I tend to be long winded with my safety advice. That is a winning combination.
If you have had some sort of amateur potential damage such as
1. Children touching or inserting fingers or objects inside
2. Employees or other amateurs tinkering
3. Other unusual circumstance - smoke, rain, etc
Then you need to include a letter inside the box stating that you acknowledge that some damage may have occured and you are exempting me from that liability.
Dr Virago Pete (847) 454-7858 between 11am and 7pm daily
Illinois USA
DSLR Camera Sensor & Mirror Cleaning Service
Lets face it - cleaning your sensor is not something the average person should even attempt to do on their own. The sophisticated cameras in todays world require a professional to do this for you. Otherwise a few things may happen to your well loved expensive camera.
1. Scratches on your image sensor caused by dragging dust across
2. Pesky dust which attached itself and wont come off easily
3. Smears and splotches from oil
4. Halo around objects
5. Dont be fooled into using cheap cleaning solutions on your expensive camera
6. You need a steady hand
7. Dust is like microscopic sandpaper
8. Beware of gizmos that clean the dust but ruin the sensor
9. Shipping damage
10. Voiding warranty
11. Online advice is foolish-amateur-central
12. Do you feel lucky enough to try it yourself? Dont
The higher the megapixels, the more noticeable any blemished or dust particles on your image sensor. The mirror and image sensor 1) help you compose the shot 2) actually take the shot in a fraction of a second. Having a clean image and being able to perform your work - is a luxury. It should be a nice peaceful thing to take a photo. When you have dust or debris - and the photographer is purposefully composing the shot in order to AVOID the dust being noticeable - whether post processed in your favorite image software to remove dust OR on-the-job placing your dust over something inconspicuous. Thats a real waste of your time and energy and creativity. YOU SHOULD HAVE A CLEAN SENSOR AND MIRROR.
I have very steady hands, and the experience of 30+ years of all kinds of project know-how (have you ever seen a longer webpage in your life - see all the links at the top)
I have all kinds of experience with photography and commercial digital photography and video and film transfers. A piece of dust in the wrong place - can cause a whole lot of un-necessary REDO work or POST PROCESSING work. I regularly maintain my own equipment and also repair and clean all kinds of equipment including image sensors BIG SMALL and CONSUMER AND PROSUMER AND PROFESSIONAL types.
The average ordinary camera - I can give a standard price for cleaning. $150 including return shipping.
The PROSUMER AND PROFESSIONAL camera - I reserve the right to charge a higher fee for that- I take that on a case-by-case basis and I have a small $10 quote fee for those- as the level of difficulty varies from various models and various brands.
What I dont want is - someone trying to dump their problem on me - for example a person with a known scratched mirror or image sensor - sending it to me for BOGUS cleaning. No nonsense like that please.
If you have previously attempted to clean your own image sensor - No Thanks Ill pass on it.
Its kind of like a vintage TV Repair Shops saying "Im sorry our policy is that we do not accept TVs which have a previous repair attempt" They would look for bodged screws and signs of the warranty seal broken- because they knew of all of the amateurness that the general public can do to a device. Well a DSLR is even more sensitive than that. Imagine the damage an amateur can do to an expensive mirror or image sensor.
Why risk that sort of damage? - dont let your employees tinker with your arsenal of cameras.
Dont buy cheap cleaning kit for your expensive camera - that is asking for trouble. Think about it - lets say you use the kit and you have a delaminating of your DSLR sensor or mirror. That cheap store will not hesistate to refund your $5 cleaning kit price. However - your expensive camera is ruined. What does that accomplish? Anything?
Its like shooting a housefly with a shotgun. Well gee you got the fly - but ruined your house. Scratching your image sensor with a cheap cleaning kit - getting your $5 refund - it is not commesurate with the end result.
Some people have the "Gee I cleaned it myself and saved $150 smirk on their face." Well you got lucky this time. Maybe next time that amateur will be trying to sell off his/her camera in an unscrupulous manner to an unsuspecting buyer telling all kinds of lies to hide the fact that he/she has a scratched image sensor. My point is - dont listen to amateurs giving bad advice. Cleaning your own camera sensor is risky- the average person is not skilled to do this. Sometimes the unskilled are braggarts and mislead others to try and do it the same way. Do you feel lucky? Are you prepared to have a permanently damaged image?
My point is I can do it for you. Using safe cleaning procedures and professional cleaning tools.
I suggest very very careful packaging of your expensive camera to avoid shipping damage. The VERY BEST box you can use is your original box and packing materials. Then put a BOX_IN_A_BOX with a moat of bubblewrap in-between-boxes as a cushion. WE BOTH WANT A SAFE JOURNEY FOR YOUR CAMERA. Ive never had any problems or issues because my buyers tend to be wise and I tend to be long winded with my safety advice. That is a winning combination.
If you have had some sort of amateur potential damage such as
1. Children touching or inserting fingers or objects inside
2. Employees or other amateurs tinkering
3. Other unusual circumstance - smoke, rain, etc
Then you need to include a letter inside the box stating that you acknowledge that some damage may have occured and you are exempting me from that liability.
Dr Virago Pete (847) 454-7858 between 11am and 7pm daily
Illinois USA

Click on the follwoing "BUY NOW" Button to pay $10 quote consultation fee for ProSumer and Professional Camera Cleaning of Mirror and or Image Sensor. No parts or service are included in this price and is non-applicable toward an other parts or service. Nonrefundable $10 fee covers my time in email, phone etc communication.
Click on the following BUY NOW Button to pay $149.99 This is for average ordinary DSLR cleaning service for image sensor and mirror. No previous cleaning attempts please. No tinkered with or damaged cameras please. This fee is NOT applicable to ProSumer or Professional equipment. This price includes return shipping to ANY USA address. International shipping is higher. I reserve the right to say No Thanks.