Santa Clause
Wonderful Christmas Pre-Recorded Messages
Wonderful Christmas Pre-Recorded Messages
This listing is for access to pre-recorded message system which contains Santa message and Holiday Music. No tangible object is being offered for sale. Buyer does not have resell or recording rights or public broadcast rights.
Santa Pre-Recorded Messages
1) Pre-Christmas - hear holiday cheerful music and words of encouragement from Santa Claus to continue to be good
2) Santa on his way - hear holiday cheerful music and words of Santa Claus as he is en route delivering toys throughout the world
3) Santa on or after Christmas - hear cheerul music and words of Santa Claus speaking about all of the cookies and presents received and given
How it Works:
After you have paid by paypal- please write to drviragopete@att.net to request the phone number and password. Phone number is not listed here as the phone line would get swamped- phone number and password is only given to buyer.
The buyer will receive by email an Illinois telephone number (this is a standard business phone number, and it is not a toll-free call. It is a standard phone call, and long distance charges may apply.) In addition to the phone number, you will receive a 4-digit password for each of the above pre-recorded messages and calling times.
What is not Provided:
Pre-recorded messages are not personalized. There is no letter by mail. There is no gift and no surprise gift.
What is for sale is an opportunity to call and access the phone system and hear the music and messages contained therein. Use of the system is gained by typing the 4 digit code by touch tones. The seller is not responsible for whether the buyer uses or doesn't use the system or only partially uses the system. Also since there are other buyers, call time is shared and seller is not responsible for busy times or times when system is unavailable. The system is open for use 4 hours per day from year-round and ample times are available for access to the Santa message playback system.
Holiday Cheer
Christmas Carols
Reindeer & Sleighride
Christmas Carols
Reindeer & Sleighride
The following description is the main purpose- to help your holiday experience be joyful and add to your child's positive happy holiday experience by hearing positive helpful messages from Santa Claus.
Holiday Music- lifts your spirits and helps your child to be a participant in the season.
Messages from Santa- reinforce positive parenting and encourage youngsters to be good and mindful of parents and that Santa is watching to see if they are a good child. Messages are not specific to a boy and not specific to a girl. These messages are positive and general.
Since the selective parent may wish to prescreen the music and message - full access is given throughout the season for a reasonable number of calls. It is unreasonable to expect numerous calls from classmates, club members, church members or such where only one payment was made. It is especially unreasonable for the disclosure of the access codes by newspaper, internet, or broadcasts which would swamp the system with calls from non-paying non-patrons. Buyer is responsible for keeping phone number and passwords private.
This message system is a result of the positive childhood experiences of the author Dr Virago Pete. One of my most memorable experiences was the phone call my siblings and I made with our folks permission way back when. The phone call was about Christmas Around the World where a different daily message was pre-recorded. I remember that the phone was passed between us and we could hear a portion of the pre-recorded message which included music and story. While my own pre-recorded message system runs throughout the season and pertains only to Santa, I remember what it felt like to call and have a very positive Christmas experience by phone. Seasons greetings to you and your loved ones. I hope that my original works including public domain songs (which pertain to Christmas and instrumentals and voice recordings funded by Dr Virago) is a positive and worthwhile experience that will bring joy to you and be a memorable positive experience.
It is my voice, and I do a very good Santa Clause impression.
Seasons Greetings,
Dr Virago Pete
Got Questions? drviragopete@att.net
All questions answered personally
Once you have made a purchase by paypal- please send a message to drviragopete@att.net stating that you have made a purchase and request phone number and password for Santa Hotline.
You will be sent an email with the phone number to call and the 4 digit password you will need to touch tone to hear Santa's pre-recorded messages.
Must be 18yo to purchase. Kids ask your folks to buy for you.
This service is available to anyone in the world. There is no extra charge for the call - but local and long distance charges may apply to you. You will be calling a standard business phone located in Illinois, USA. Once you pay the paypal then I do not have any further fee on my end.
Please do not share this phone number with anyone who has-not-paid or has-not-been-paid-for.
Email me about special rates for entire school, classroom, or church or other organization package arrangements. I try to be flexible and reasonable. The Paypal button below has a drop down listing - for the most popular choices - if you have a different or custom plan - in mind - please email me, and I will be glad to discuss your needs.
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