Dr Virago Pete's Gear Teeth Restore Service

Got Broken Gear Teeth?

Got Worn Gear Teeth?

I can custom restore teeth on any size gear up to 12" in diameter on my special gear restoration machine.
I only get involved in gears that are no longer available. Discontinued parts and unique parts are my specialty.

No bargain hunters please.

Sometimes I get emails from people who are so cheap/frugal/bargain hunters that they havent even considered the shipping costs involved in shipping a heavy gear both ways. No penny pinchers.

Restoring a gear takes time, equipment, precision cutting and matching the new teeth to shape and position of the existing still-good teeth.

Not all gears are the same - some are tight tolerance and some have a loose fit- the tighter the tolerance- the more expensive it is.

I can ship in a flat rate box from US Post Office for about $20 for gears under 12" to any USA address. That same flatrate box can be $100 or more when shipping to another country. And consider shipping both ways - that international shipping can be $150-200 - just for shipping cost alone of a 15 pound item internationally.

So what Im trying to say is - YOU GOTTA LOVE the machine or equipment that you are repairing. If you are not in a position to pay for shipping and work - then DONT ASK.

I CHARGE FOR QUOTES as it takes my time in looking at photos, answering emails, etc. Nothing is free in life.

Due to enormous requests for quote - I limit my communication to those who are willing to pay a quote fee. I will determine the quote fee at the time of your email.

Plan on sending photos, description, estimated value of gear, estimated value of machine

Some people like to get lot of quotes and then pick one- that is cheapest. See that wastes ALOT of people's time and one of the reasons why the economy is bad. I charge for quotes as it takes time to quote.

Serious buyers only please.

Got a one-of-a-kind gear? Got a gear from an expensive machine or vehicle? Got a broken gear from something antique industrial?

Now were talking...

Steel, stainless steel, aluminum, etc can be welded ... can be reshaped back to original or near original ...

Make sure you have nice clear photos with a ruler or tape measure next to the item, show all sides, plan on sending lots of photos.

I have the following equipment for gear shaping. reforming, broken tooth, chipped tooth
a) Lathe
b) rotary axis
c) CNC
d) grinding and welding
e) common sense and ingenuity
f) heat treating oven
g) cooling equipment
h) full machineshop/fabrication capabilities - second to none



Dr Virago Pete (847) 454-7858 between 11am and 7pm daily
Illinois, USA

A Case Study - presented here -
as to avoid un-necessary emails, phonecalls and unproductive inquiries...

I received the following pics from an emailer with a request for quote. As I researched this online - I went to big auction site looking for Yamaha YS-828T snowbower drive gear and looked online for various combinations of YS-828, YS-828T, YS-828-T, TE and other things which take an enormous amount of time... I found that these 2 gears are still available and the cost is $170 brand new. The emailer was from an International Country (I dont need to state which) and shipping cost alone would be at least a hundred bucks (both ways) and this EPIC FAIL request for quote illustrates some things done right and some things done wrong
1. International shipping is high - not for the penny pincher or cheapo
2. Gears are 12" or less - correct
3. One photo is clear and non-blurry with a ruler to show scale - correct
4. One photo is blurry and unsharp/unclear - check photo before sending
5. Gear still has ice/frost on it and didnt bother to clean it before snapping photo - obstructions to seeing clearly
6. Item is still sold/currently available
7. Buyer/emailer didnt factor/consider cost of shipping versus buying brand new part
8. Buyer states in email he needs to snowblow his 200ft driveway right away
9. These gears are rusty and look like they were left outdoors - this came from an oil filled gearcase that drove snowmobile-track-like drive tracks- abused parts even have ice on it
10. Homemade welding? possibl on teeth - the photos are not detailed enough (only received 2) and no closeups of the individual teeth. That homemade welding job looks pretty bad. Yikes.
11. Almost anything is fixable - but Im not doing all that work for $1 - $1 cover doesnt even cover my electric cost, or argon gas cost, or welding electrode, or even the cost of lunch - no one works for $1- even so - it exceeds the cost of a new part.

Lets make a WILD Scenario - Lets say fixing this gear costs ($1 - no way - but just as an example) $100 x2 (shipping cost both ways) plus $1 rework/teeth restore, plus quote fee - this quote request has ZERO CHANCE - It is a no-WIN-Screnario - and answering requests for quote like this is unproductive - just wastes my time.

What that person is likely to do ...
1. Nothing
2. Sell it/Giveaway/Trade it
3. Scrap it
4. Part it out
5. Jerry rig / Cobble together something themselves
6. Call or email other shops and waste their time time - looking for a cheapo solution

Lets face it, I have expenses too, equipment, utilities, etc. Even if I only charged $1 - this above quote would never happen due to the fact that the buyer is only wiling to spend X number of dollars and the limiting factor is the cost of brand new parts. That top end is too low and doesnt factor in my time, shipping cost, emailing and quote fees, rush order etc.

Please think about your request - does it make sense - I prefer requests for work that
1. Show photos
2. State a dollar figure which you are willing to pay
3. Details of the item (model, make, material, what you want to have done)
4. Willing to pay a quote charge
5. Provide details and responsive but not pushy emails
6. Turnaround time stated - open ended no time constraints preferred
I can then counteroffer, accept, reject etc

Be realistic - it takes alot of time and skill to restore something. YOU GOTTA LOVE that machine that you are restoring. Sometimes it is a "money sinkhole" and the right owner will be willing to do the work him/herself in restoring the machine mostly themselves - but may have a gear that will be outsourced.

I personally built-from-scratch and restored many unique sets of machines/equipment that I use daily - to be able to do what I do.

If you are not willing to SPLURGE and GO FOR IT then your rebuild or project will (most likely) never get done (check big-auction-site- maybe you get lucky and find the part you need).

See people need to be paid - no one works for $1 - especially not teeth restore work.

Dont like my ad - good - go elsewhere.

My ad is for serious inquiries only.

Dr Virago Pete (847) 454-7858 between 11am and 7pm daily
Illinois, USA