This listing is for 1ea CD-ROM disc titled, "Dr Virago Pete's Master
Cylinder Rebuild & More." No other parts or items are included.
Solves Running Issues & More.
This CD is the #2 Step to getting your Virago ready for your enjoyment.
Of course the first step is getting the starting system to start your bike reliably. If you're reading this, you're getting to the point where your bike is on its' way to starting or your bike already starts reliably. Good job!
After you have gotten your bike to start, there may be other issues you need to tackle. Don't worry- the starting parts was the most difficult, and the other stuff is not quite so puzzling.
Things covered in this CD:
1. Popcorn backfires
2. Spongy non-firm brake lever
3. Cracked brake lever
4. Press Start Button but the bike just clicks or makes no click
5. Everything is dead
6. Examples of Tinkering
Also Included:
1. Access to Dr Virago Pete's phone system which has over one hour of pre-recorded messages covering starting system, carburator tips, and more.
2. Once you have made ANY purchase from Dr Virago Pete- you get one-on-one (by email) support for trouble shooting your bike.
Why should I buy this CD when it is already included in the PowerClip8 Kit?
Good point. It is included as part of the PowerClip & SuperShim Kit. Some people have low mileage bikes without any starting troubles -but may have other troubles. Also, some people have had their starting system repaired professionally, and also don't have further starting troubles. They are ready for step 2- the other systems on the bike need attention so the bike runs well.
You Got the Bike to Run. Now What?
Many people get their bike for cheap and put a few bucks into the bike to get it to start. They originaly had in mind that they want to fix it and sell it. They change their mind and decide- "hey, this is a cool bike. I'm gonna fix it, and keep it."
Repairing your bike doesn't require a fortune if you do the work yourself. There are certain repairs that are best left for a pro to do. I show you hands on how to fix the above troubles. The actual fix is not that difficult. The perplexing part is figuring out where the trouble is.
Virago CD #2
In otherwords, the hard part is diagnosis. That is where my Virago Repair series of CDs come in. The CD shows you step-by-step how to fix your bike. We'll my bike actually. And I ride it regularly and love it. The bike shown is a 1982 Yamaha Virago XV920 J (J stands for 1982) and yes, my own bike started out as a $200 bike found on an empty lot with a for sale sign. I bought it over a decade ago and documented its repair step-by-step. Many of the parts were found on a-big-auction-site and some from a local dealership. My bike has come a long way.
Every bike goes through the same set of troubles.
1. Starting troubles (fixed done - this is not covered in this cd- for this set of troubles see my Virago CD #1)
2. Popcorn backfires (fixed done)
3. Brake Problems (fixed done)
4. Undoing tinkering performed by some previous owner (fixed done)
5. Maintenance (fixed done)
My Dr Virago Pete's Master Cylinder Rebuild & More cd covers troubles number 2 through 5. It does not cover troubles related to the starting system - My first CD does that job!
What if I want to purchase more than one of your CDs or services?
Yes, I combine shipping - just ask about what you need (by email drviragopete@att.net) and I'll gladly give you a total amount including shipping (be sure to include your location for shipping)
Also See My Listings:
1. Virago CD#1
2. PowerClip8 & SuperShim Kit
3. Flywheel & Idler
Which Bike Models?
1979 All Viragos and XV920, XV750, XV1000 without Virago name
1980 All Viragos and XV920, XV750, xv1000 without Virago name.
1981 All Viragos
1982 All Viragos
1983 All Viragos
1984 All Viragos
1985 All Viragos
1986 All Viragos
1987 All Viragos
1988 All Viragos
1989 - 1996 50% of material covered is not applicable
*MKs and TRWs in range 1980 - through 1988 are applicable 100%
If not sure if your bike is covered- just ask by email drviragopete@att.net
This is a PC CD-ROM
This CD disc requires an up-to-date PC to run. The installation instructions are located within the CD disc in a text file. It tells you step-by-step how to install it under WIndows (any version). If you have a friend who knows computers ask him/her for help.
Once the CD-ROM is installed, you will be able to double click your mouse using Windows Media Player and see videos that teach you how to fix your bike. The videos are DVD quality or TV quality and have sound. There is no narration. There is no narrator. Just normal sounds you would hear. You will see my hands working on the parts and you'll get a mechanics-eye-view. An article for you to read is also included. You will need to read the article to understand how and what and where to do things. The videos, article and CD isn't fancy and neither am I. It has helped hundreds to troubleshoot their bike.
Phone System
I also have an automated phone system (847) 454-7858 enter code 9976 to hear pre-recorded installation instructions. This phone system is available 9AM-10AM, 12Noon-1PM, 6PM-7PM, 8PM-9PM everyday. All times are Chicago, Illinois Time (central time zone) If phone just rings- make sure to call back during the correct time. This message service is to help with installation. Also, once you are a buyer, you will receive additional codes (all Virago orders come with a phone service code sheet) to hear other tips and messages regarding your bike. There is no additional charge to access this phone system. Calling Illinois may be a long distance call, but I charge nothing additional for you to access it. It is free as a thankyou for being a loyal customer.
Do not give out codes, tips, videos or my secrets to other people or forums please. My prices are reasonable, and I value your business. You will value having a good working bike. All videos are original content and exclusive.
Enjoy riding your bike,
Dr Virago Pete
Telephone (847) 454-7858
Email drviragopete@att.net
Solves Running Issues & More.
This CD is the #2 Step to getting your Virago ready for your enjoyment.
Of course the first step is getting the starting system to start your bike reliably. If you're reading this, you're getting to the point where your bike is on its' way to starting or your bike already starts reliably. Good job!
After you have gotten your bike to start, there may be other issues you need to tackle. Don't worry- the starting parts was the most difficult, and the other stuff is not quite so puzzling.
Things covered in this CD:
1. Popcorn backfires
2. Spongy non-firm brake lever
3. Cracked brake lever
4. Press Start Button but the bike just clicks or makes no click
5. Everything is dead
6. Examples of Tinkering
Also Included:
1. Access to Dr Virago Pete's phone system which has over one hour of pre-recorded messages covering starting system, carburator tips, and more.
2. Once you have made ANY purchase from Dr Virago Pete- you get one-on-one (by email) support for trouble shooting your bike.
Why should I buy this CD when it is already included in the PowerClip8 Kit?
Good point. It is included as part of the PowerClip & SuperShim Kit. Some people have low mileage bikes without any starting troubles -but may have other troubles. Also, some people have had their starting system repaired professionally, and also don't have further starting troubles. They are ready for step 2- the other systems on the bike need attention so the bike runs well.
You Got the Bike to Run. Now What?
Many people get their bike for cheap and put a few bucks into the bike to get it to start. They originaly had in mind that they want to fix it and sell it. They change their mind and decide- "hey, this is a cool bike. I'm gonna fix it, and keep it."
Repairing your bike doesn't require a fortune if you do the work yourself. There are certain repairs that are best left for a pro to do. I show you hands on how to fix the above troubles. The actual fix is not that difficult. The perplexing part is figuring out where the trouble is.
Virago CD #2
In otherwords, the hard part is diagnosis. That is where my Virago Repair series of CDs come in. The CD shows you step-by-step how to fix your bike. We'll my bike actually. And I ride it regularly and love it. The bike shown is a 1982 Yamaha Virago XV920 J (J stands for 1982) and yes, my own bike started out as a $200 bike found on an empty lot with a for sale sign. I bought it over a decade ago and documented its repair step-by-step. Many of the parts were found on a-big-auction-site and some from a local dealership. My bike has come a long way.
Every bike goes through the same set of troubles.
1. Starting troubles (fixed done - this is not covered in this cd- for this set of troubles see my Virago CD #1)
2. Popcorn backfires (fixed done)
3. Brake Problems (fixed done)
4. Undoing tinkering performed by some previous owner (fixed done)
5. Maintenance (fixed done)
My Dr Virago Pete's Master Cylinder Rebuild & More cd covers troubles number 2 through 5. It does not cover troubles related to the starting system - My first CD does that job!
What if I want to purchase more than one of your CDs or services?
Yes, I combine shipping - just ask about what you need (by email drviragopete@att.net) and I'll gladly give you a total amount including shipping (be sure to include your location for shipping)
Also See My Listings:
1. Virago CD#1
2. PowerClip8 & SuperShim Kit
3. Flywheel & Idler
Which Bike Models?
1979 All Viragos and XV920, XV750, XV1000 without Virago name
1980 All Viragos and XV920, XV750, xv1000 without Virago name.
1981 All Viragos
1982 All Viragos
1983 All Viragos
1984 All Viragos
1985 All Viragos
1986 All Viragos
1987 All Viragos
1988 All Viragos
1989 - 1996 50% of material covered is not applicable
*MKs and TRWs in range 1980 - through 1988 are applicable 100%
If not sure if your bike is covered- just ask by email drviragopete@att.net
This is a PC CD-ROM
This CD disc requires an up-to-date PC to run. The installation instructions are located within the CD disc in a text file. It tells you step-by-step how to install it under WIndows (any version). If you have a friend who knows computers ask him/her for help.
Once the CD-ROM is installed, you will be able to double click your mouse using Windows Media Player and see videos that teach you how to fix your bike. The videos are DVD quality or TV quality and have sound. There is no narration. There is no narrator. Just normal sounds you would hear. You will see my hands working on the parts and you'll get a mechanics-eye-view. An article for you to read is also included. You will need to read the article to understand how and what and where to do things. The videos, article and CD isn't fancy and neither am I. It has helped hundreds to troubleshoot their bike.
Phone System
I also have an automated phone system (847) 454-7858 enter code 9976 to hear pre-recorded installation instructions. This phone system is available 9AM-10AM, 12Noon-1PM, 6PM-7PM, 8PM-9PM everyday. All times are Chicago, Illinois Time (central time zone) If phone just rings- make sure to call back during the correct time. This message service is to help with installation. Also, once you are a buyer, you will receive additional codes (all Virago orders come with a phone service code sheet) to hear other tips and messages regarding your bike. There is no additional charge to access this phone system. Calling Illinois may be a long distance call, but I charge nothing additional for you to access it. It is free as a thankyou for being a loyal customer.
Do not give out codes, tips, videos or my secrets to other people or forums please. My prices are reasonable, and I value your business. You will value having a good working bike. All videos are original content and exclusive.
Enjoy riding your bike,
Dr Virago Pete
Telephone (847) 454-7858
Email drviragopete@att.net

$14.99 plus shipping
Use The PAY NOW Button Below to Purchase Master Cylinder & More CD for USA buyers.
Use the BUY NOW Button Below to Purchase Master Cylinder & More CD for CANADA buyers.
All Other countries must send payment manually through Paypal.com
1. Specify peterpclc@hotmail.com as the receiver (that email address is only for payments)
2. Specify "Goods"
3. Make sure funds are sent in USA Funds
Cost of shipping
USA $4.99
Canada $6.50
All Other Countries $12.99
CD will be sent to you in a double cardboard package. Within the cardboard- the CD will be protected by a paper CD Envelope.
The USA Post Office offer NO TRACKING NUMBER for international packages.
In 10 years I have only had 1 lost package. Shipping time varies and can take anywhere from 1 week to 1 month depending on location and time of year.
Note: If you prefer to send a money order, send an email to drviragopete@att.net
The PAY NOW button below is for USA Buyers ONLY.
The BUY NOW Button below is for CANADA Buyers ONLY.
All other countries send email or use Paypal.com to send payment manually.
$14.99 plus shipping
Use The PAY NOW Button Below to Purchase Master Cylinder & More CD for USA buyers.
Use the BUY NOW Button Below to Purchase Master Cylinder & More CD for CANADA buyers.
All Other countries must send payment manually through Paypal.com
1. Specify peterpclc@hotmail.com as the receiver (that email address is only for payments)
2. Specify "Goods"
3. Make sure funds are sent in USA Funds
Cost of shipping
USA $4.99
Canada $6.50
All Other Countries $12.99
CD will be sent to you in a double cardboard package. Within the cardboard- the CD will be protected by a paper CD Envelope.
The USA Post Office offer NO TRACKING NUMBER for international packages.
In 10 years I have only had 1 lost package. Shipping time varies and can take anywhere from 1 week to 1 month depending on location and time of year.
Note: If you prefer to send a money order, send an email to drviragopete@att.net
The PAY NOW button below is for USA Buyers ONLY.
The BUY NOW Button below is for CANADA Buyers ONLY.
All other countries send email or use Paypal.com to send payment manually.