Dr Virago Pete's Automated Phone System
Telephone System with PreRecorded Messages is available once you make a purchase:
(847) 454-7858
(standard Illinois business phone without any extra fees on my end)
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
9AM-10AM, 12Noon-1PM, 6PM-7PM, 8PM-9PM
(times are for pre-recorded message playback)
Chicago Illinois Time (Central Time Zone)
If phone just rings-
make sure you are calling at the correct time.
I value your business and
answer all questions
personally and promptly.
All Virago Purchases containing a CD-ROM disc contain a 4"x4"
approximate size card with access codes. These access codes
are to be typed into the touch-tone keypad on your phone when
you dial the above phone number.
No Charge Codes
Information and Email Address Code 4534
Exit/End Call Code 9999 (or just hangup anytime)
System Overview Code 4541
Extra Help For CD-ROM Installation Code 9976
Must Make a Purchase to Obtain These Codes
PowerClip8 & SuperShim Extra Tips (provided upon sale)
Virago Charging System Tips (provided upon sale)
Carburator Tips (provided upon sale)
Want to try out the system before you make a purchase?
Go ahead and dial the number and then type in the No Charge
Some people need extra help in installing the CD-ROM and
getting it to play. Call the number above and type in code 9976.
Be seated in front of your computer and have the CD-ROM disc
in your hand as the pre-recorded message will take you
step-by-step. If you still have trouble getting it to play- email
me and I will be glad to help.
Dr Virago Pete