I have 4ea Sony CRV laserdisc cartridges model LVM-3AA0 new and sealed.These are super rare and from approx 1987.
Compatible with
1. Sony LVR-3000
2. Sony LVR-3000N
3. Sony LVR-3000M
4. Sony LVR-3000AN
5. Sony LVR-4000P
6. Sony LVR-5000
7. Sony LVR-5000A
8. Sony LVR-6000
9. Sony LVR-6000A
10. Sony RM-W3000
(may be compatible with more equipment than listed above)
I often get asked if I would sell my discs- I really prefer to keep them but as they say - everything is available for sale if offered the right price or offer to trade for even more rare equipment/media?
Update 10/27/16
I havent been able to find a laserdisc recorder for my collection of pristine RLV laserdiscs - but I am hopeful someday to find this machine. The only other application I can think of for these precision discs is a homemade telescope as the disc is perfect and intended optical use. Even the hole in the center is useful for telescope application.

The above is a photo of an Optical Data Corportaion ODC LDVR 610 Laser Disc Vieo Recorder model 610. It is sometimes referred to as Nimbus and this machine was awarded an Emmy award. After much research this is the only photo I have found of this machine. I would like to buy this machine in any condition. I will consider any version of ODC laserdisc recorder or similar model / brand etc. A quote from a former owner of this machine is that the CO2 laser needs to be recharged over time as it loses its internal gas content. Also there is a large granite block which stabilizes the recording. I personally have never seen this machine. I am told it weighs over 1000 lbs. If I find one I am willing to restore it- as I have restored many rare and incomplete machines back to health. Let me know if you have one.
The mfg may be Odetics as I was told by a former owner of a machine that his was made by Odetics and his machine looked slightly different than the above picture. On his machine the top module (his came without waveform/vector/picture monitors) was not present in his Odetics machine. He also said he remembers it required either air or helium to operate (to the best of his recollection).
I hope to acquire this machine - any model or brand - I hope this rare photo helps the viewer/reader understand what I am looking for.
Update 11/12/17
I have found the only color photo of this Odetics machine that I have come across. I am still looking for this machine to purchase. If you have one for sale in any condition - let me know. Here is the color photo and link to the youtube video (it is not my video) This photo cn be seen at 2 minutes 02 seconds.
This Pioneer video demo COMPLETELY ignores the Odetics Optical Disc Corporation ODC laserdisc Laser Videodisc recorder and concentrates on making mass production stamped discs. The ODC Odetics machine uses RLV disc to record onto a fully playable disc. It s a standalone machine and what is shown in the video is an enormous facility factory with conveyors and stampers and clean rooms etc. HOWEVER the Odetics recorder - as big as it is (about the size of a refrigerator) is quite small for what it does. The youtube video is informative and Im glad to have seen it. I wonder about the current status of the machine shown. I hope that it still exists. I see 2ea machines to the rightside - I dont know if this is a separate machine or part of the Laserdisc recorder. I also see an exhaust duct - which is possibly for cooling or extraction of fumes? I dont know. I estimate this video and photo from approximately 1990 plus or minus. The Pioneer demo shows that laserdiscs are created using 1" type C reel-to-reel as a master.
I have approx 10ea (plus an additional 10ea I purchased) Optical Disc Corportation 12" RLV Recordable Laservision disc new and unused (playback compatible with any consumer laserdisc player) The recording side is red and the non-recordable side is silver. (the above pictures show all sides of a disc disc- recordable laserdisc is a super rare item from 1991)
Note: "RLV" discs is the newer term as of 1991. I have read that the older term for this type of disc is called "DRAW" (Which means Direct Read After Write) and is a dye polymer mastering process.
The term RLV is printed in the media label so that is the correct term for these discs in the photos.
Once recorded it is playable on any standard 12" laserdisc player.
ODC Nimbus model 610 or other make/model recorder capable of recording onto RLV 12" laser discs shown above (There was an Emmy Award given to Optical Disc Corporation and Nimbus "ODC Nimbus" in 1988 for the creation of a laserdisc recorder model 610- I can't find any photos of this recorder)
Optical Disc Corporation changed the name of their business to ODC. I am looking for media or equipment with either name.
Teac LV250H single sided laserdisc recorder
Teac LV210A double-sided laserdisc recorder
(I bought the remote on big-auction-site for it - see photo)
Note: The Teac laserdisc recorders may look like the LV-220P player which I can find lots of pictures of and may go by the name lasermate

Dr Virago Pete's
Laserdisc Recording and
transfer Services
I am in the process of adding laserdisc
capabilities to my videotape and film transfer
I have acquired the following blank media (see
photos above)
As I add more media and machines to my
transfer service I will list what I have.
I have also purchased a Teac remote which apears to be from a laserdisc recorder- see below. I would like to find out more about this remote and which machine it goes to.
The online auction that I bought this remote from said
Teac VDR AD-A283 957
VS-414A Video Disc Recorder Remote
You are bidding on a fully functional Teac VDR AD-A283 957 VS-414A Video Disc Recorder Remote.
Guaranteed non-DOA!
Also I hope to get some calls and emails for people wanting a cartridge or laserdisc recorded for them. I have been transferring film and videotape for over 30+ years, and I am just starting out with laserdisc- but I have plenty of experience in professional media transfers of other media so my learning curve will be small with this media.
I sometimes buy equipment backwards - buying the small items first and then the machine last- as the small accessories (remote and blank media) are hardest to find.
Let me know if you have laserdisc cartridge media as there are many cartridge types and media types- some rewriteble and some one-time use (worm - means Write Once and Read Many times) but playable forever once recorded.
Many brands of laserdisc recorders existed in the 80s and 90s and 2000s but many were proprietary formats specific to their equipment. Let me know if you have media - even previously recorded media. Also looking for parts and accessories.
Dr Virago Pete
Telephone (847) 454-7858
Email drviragopete@att.net
Illinois, USA
(C) Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

Pictured above is a Panasonic LQ-D5500P which is a laserdisc recorder. It may be cartridge enclosed laserdisc as I have no details or description of the media. I am looking for this machine or another model which is compatible. Also known as Panasonic D5500 Digital Video Disc Recorder"
I do not own this machine or any carts or manuals. I would like to acquire.
Insights/Information about this machine is welcome and appreciated. Photo or description of the media is appreciated as I have no idea which media it requires.
Update 12/19/13 I received 2ea remote Controls which I purchased from big-auction-site and they have arrived. They were lost in shipping and finally showed up after more than a month. I'm glad these were not lost. The above are photos from the ad - and shows front and back views. I dont yet have this recorder - sometimes I buy machines backwards. What I mean by that is sometimes I buy the remote control before I even have the machine.
RM-W5000 is the model of Sony Remote
Update 1/4/16
I have watched an interesting youtube video (copy and paste to view)
( see at 2 minutes 28 seconds )
(This is not my video) which shows a computer parts store which contained various components of coputers cables, wires, drives, etc. And sitting on a shelf is quite a lot of what apears to be blank laserdiscs "3M Laser Videodisc" and my assumption is probably those were disposed of when the store closed? I dont know that for sure but is only my hunch. Here is a snapshot of what the blank laserdisc sealed pkg looked like. I viewed this youtube video well past the store closing date and I was unaware of its existence and Im located in Illinois, the store WAS located in Texas. It is a real waste of laserdiscs if indeed they did get disposed of. Its too bad.
I have purchased 2ea Sony CRV LVM-3AA0 Laserdisc cartridges from an auction site. At first I won one and then inquired if they have more - which they did - Yes 2 total - and I bought both. The first one is a sealed in shrinkwrap hardshell case and the second one is the same but the shrinkwrap is gone. These are the first hardshell case style in my collection. Here is a photo of the sealed one.
I was able to look at the non-shinkwrapped cartridge and I see the disc is clean and looks unused. I see the sectoring line which goes from the inside to the outside in a straight line in a tangent. I see some fingerprints on the cartridge from previous owner handling but looks like in very fine condition- I see no abuse or damage.

I have purchased a few Sony CRV LVM-3AA0 cartridges
Dr Virago Pete (847) 454-7858 between 11am and 7pm daily
Illinois USA
(C) Copyright 2018 All Rights reserved
This page updated 2/2018
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