Dr Virago Pete's
Scanner Optics Cleaning Service
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
My ad is for the professional cleaning of the internals of your Polaroid Sprintscan 4000 35mm film scanner
Signs of dirty optics
1. Pictures have haze
2. Bright areas have a "glow"
3. Lack of Detail
4. Blurry images
5. Colors are not vivid
6. Boot-up issues
7. Scanner may act confused with extensive internal debris/dust
Let's face it- some people take things apart and always have a screw or two left over. Let a pro clean and calibrate it.
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
Detailed Service
1. Optics professionally cleaned
2. Drive system calibrated and lubricated
3. Loose or broken parts checked and repaired if possible
4. Door up/down slide mechanism and switches checked and cleaned and repaired if possible
5. Lenses, mirrors and drive motors and rails cleaned and lubricated
6. SCSI operation checked with SCSI-1 system and original software
7. Before and after scans done at 4000dpi
8. Careful packaged and return shipped in US Post Office large flat Rate Box with ample packaging material and shipping insurance.
This listing is not for repair of dead or broken scanners. It is for removing contaminants such as dust, cigarette dust, hairs, lint and other normal debris inside your scanner which interferes with perfect scans.
If your scanner doesn't function - email me first
30+ years of computer, electronics and repair experience.
Thinking of buying a $3000 scanner when you have a good one already that beats the others in many reviews? Excellent color accuracy and level of detail in shadows, supported by many software packages. Almost no noise/speckling in shadow areas. Polaroid made a very good product- you bought it, and you wish it worked like it did before. Many of the newer scanners have poor CCD sensors which add speckling/noise to dark areas- then they add features to reduce the noise and dust and image artifacts. SHeeesh. See with Polaroid, you didn't have all that speckling to begin with. Of course, that was when it was clean internally.
Only problem- dirty optics? No problem.
Not sure if yours needs cleaning? - Send a scan by email I'll take a look.
Got a question? Send email or phone.
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
Foggy scans, blurry images, dull colors, glowing edges of objects.
Dr Virago Pete
phone (847) 454-7858
email drviragopete@att.net
Illinois, USA
Scanner Optics Cleaning Service
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
My ad is for the professional cleaning of the internals of your Polaroid Sprintscan 4000 35mm film scanner
Signs of dirty optics
1. Pictures have haze
2. Bright areas have a "glow"
3. Lack of Detail
4. Blurry images
5. Colors are not vivid
6. Boot-up issues
7. Scanner may act confused with extensive internal debris/dust
Let's face it- some people take things apart and always have a screw or two left over. Let a pro clean and calibrate it.
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
Detailed Service
1. Optics professionally cleaned
2. Drive system calibrated and lubricated
3. Loose or broken parts checked and repaired if possible
4. Door up/down slide mechanism and switches checked and cleaned and repaired if possible
5. Lenses, mirrors and drive motors and rails cleaned and lubricated
6. SCSI operation checked with SCSI-1 system and original software
7. Before and after scans done at 4000dpi
8. Careful packaged and return shipped in US Post Office large flat Rate Box with ample packaging material and shipping insurance.
This listing is not for repair of dead or broken scanners. It is for removing contaminants such as dust, cigarette dust, hairs, lint and other normal debris inside your scanner which interferes with perfect scans.
If your scanner doesn't function - email me first
30+ years of computer, electronics and repair experience.
Thinking of buying a $3000 scanner when you have a good one already that beats the others in many reviews? Excellent color accuracy and level of detail in shadows, supported by many software packages. Almost no noise/speckling in shadow areas. Polaroid made a very good product- you bought it, and you wish it worked like it did before. Many of the newer scanners have poor CCD sensors which add speckling/noise to dark areas- then they add features to reduce the noise and dust and image artifacts. SHeeesh. See with Polaroid, you didn't have all that speckling to begin with. Of course, that was when it was clean internally.
Only problem- dirty optics? No problem.
Not sure if yours needs cleaning? - Send a scan by email I'll take a look.
Got a question? Send email or phone.
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
I'm not selling any scanner here. I clean the optics on YOUR scanner.
Foggy scans, blurry images, dull colors, glowing edges of objects.
Dr Virago Pete
phone (847) 454-7858
email drviragopete@att.net
Illinois, USA
Click on BUY NOW button takes to you Paypal to pay $200 which covers cleaning the optics on your Polaroid Sprintscan 4000 and return shipping to any mainland USA address (Alaska, Hawaii and territories are additional cost. International shipping is additional cost) Non rush order price. I reserve the right to charge more for repairs or other services needed.
Please Use this Dr Virago Pete Shipping Tip when shipping your scanner
Please package your item in a craftsman/craftswoman manner completely surrounded by styrofoam. I suggest using styrofoam sheets from a home improvement store - completely lining a cardboard box with cut-to-size sheets stacked inside the box to make a "styrofoam cube." Then one-sheet at a time - trace the outline of your scanner with a marker. Use a knife or blade to cut out this shape. Leave the top sheets and bottom sheets alone. Congratulations- you have just made a styrofoam "cocoon" which completely surrounds your scanner during shipping. Surround your scanner with a sealed plastic bag to eliminate lint, dust, styrofoam mess.
Please Use this Dr Virago Pete Shipping Tip when shipping your scanner
Please package your item in a craftsman/craftswoman manner completely surrounded by styrofoam. I suggest using styrofoam sheets from a home improvement store - completely lining a cardboard box with cut-to-size sheets stacked inside the box to make a "styrofoam cube." Then one-sheet at a time - trace the outline of your scanner with a marker. Use a knife or blade to cut out this shape. Leave the top sheets and bottom sheets alone. Congratulations- you have just made a styrofoam "cocoon" which completely surrounds your scanner during shipping. Surround your scanner with a sealed plastic bag to eliminate lint, dust, styrofoam mess.