Dr Virago Pete's Roomba Repair

The above pictured Roomba Discovery 4220 is an example of the 4000 series units (also known as 400 series). The number of buttons or arrangement of panel or color etc may vary.
The most common problems are
1. Dirt, hair, dust, muck interfering/blocking mechanicals, motors, and sensors.
2. Broken or worn out teeth on plastic gears
3. Melted plastic parts due to heat and friction (hair/dirt restricting movement etc)
What I can do for you
1. Take apart and clean out debris, hair, and muck
2. Replace bad gears
3. Replace worn/melted plastic areas
4. Replace parts as needed (mechanical parts and sensors)
5. Solder in replacement parts (repair electronic circuits)
I Service the Following Units
100 series
3000 series
300 series
4000 series
400 series
5000 series
500 series
6000 series
600 series
7000 series
700 series
Pro ELite series
Dirt Dog series
Roomba Pro
Robotic FloorVac series
Intelligent Foorvac series
Scooba Series
The above picture shows the 2 gears which usually have little or no teeth left. The lack of teeth causes the brush to stop spinning and make a rasping or clicking noise. The sound you hear is a motor turning as the motor tries to spin the brush. The rasping noise comes from the 2 gears (usually either white or black) scraping against each other. The worn down teeth are not enough to engage properly.
This is one of the most common faults in the discovery, original and 4000 series.
The cause of these gears wearing out is- sucking up an electrical cord, frayed carpet ends, yarn, or other entanglements. Many people run their Roomba vacuum cleaner while they are away at work etc and never knew what happened. They just know it doesn't spin the brush anymore.
There are quite a variety of Rooma units and the basic design is similar on many models. Although similar- parts are not always interchangeable between models in a different series. Within a series- parts are often/mostly interchangeable.
Having a hard time getting your unit repaired? Let me know what I can do for you.
I am not affiliated with Roomba or Irobot - the model numbers and model names belong to Irobot- I only service these models and am not affiliated with the mfg in any way. I use either used parts scavenged from a donor unit, or new parts as I can acquire them etc to fix units. Not every unit is repairable. 95% of all units I get asked about are fixable.
The most economical way to ship a Roomba is with a US Post Office Flat Rate box, in my opinion. About $15 shipping cost each way. There is just enough room to fit the main unit and charger and a few odds and ends in that box size.
Want to send your unit to me for repair? Go to the US Post Office and ask them for their Flat Rate Box measuring 3.5" x 12" x 14" they'll give you a free box - just pay the shipping cost.
Call for a repair estimate and to discuss your issues.
I am not an authorized repair center. I am not affiliated with the MFG.
I specialize in repairing older out-of-warranty units with hard-to-find repair parts.
30+ years of electronic repair, vehicle repair, inventions, sales and service.
Repairs start at $65 plus shipping. Some repairs cost more.
Dr Virago Pete
email drviragopete@att.net
Telephone (847) 454-7858

Does your 500 series / 5000 series do the circle dance?
View the videos and websites and PDF files related to how to fix this problem.
Look up "Roomba Circle Dance" on Youtube.com
Look up "Roomba Bumper Sensor Replacement for 500 series" on Google.com
For people handy with disassembly and soldering-
I sell parts for the repair of the following Roomba models 5XX, 500, 510, 535, 530, 545, 560, 570 (and much more) etc which solves the "9 Beep error" and the circling herky Jerky movements sometimes called "circle dance". This is the most common problem I find with model 535. Moves forward an inch. Stops backs up. Spins slightly. Lurches forward stops. Turns slightly. Backs up. Lurches. You know- the circle dance.
What causes the Circle Dance?
The problem is 2ea IR LEDs have become weakened and do not shine sufficiently bright enough to activate the 2ea IR sensors. There is nothing wrong with the sensors. Just the IR LEDs need to be replaced. Well what is so special about these IR LEDs you ask? Well they are shaped differently than most leds you have seen. Also they are of a lower voltage than most LEDs. I order these by the hundred so I get special discounts. You will need 2 of these as both of your IR LEDs are weakened.
So why does my Irobot do the circle dance? Since the sensor is not getting shined on by the IR LED sufficiently- The robot "thinks" it is bumping against something from all directions. Oops pardon me. Oops pardon me. Excuse Me. Pardon me... its a polite little vacuming robot. EXCEPT there is nothing it is bumping against. Replace the 1ea IR LED inside the Left bumper sensor housing (black plastic cases surrounds small PC board) and also replace 1ea IR LED inside the Right bumper sensor housing. Leave the 2ea IR sensors alone as there is nothing wrong with it. The IR LED is the one furthest away from the wires on the mini circuit board.
To buy these two IR lEDs which are exact replacement but better and brand new
send $6.44 total plus shipping
Shipping Address
Shipping address is provided after you speak with me by phone or by email.
Illinois, USA
Phone (847) 454-7858 Dr Virago Pete
Email drviragopete@att.net
Be Prepared with the following Information when you phone or correspond by email.
1. Model of Roomba2. Describe problem
3. What you're buying "Parts pack containing 2ea IR LEDs"
Your 2ea IR LEDs will be mailed to you in a double cardboard package.
$6.44 plus shipping
Shipping Cost
For USA buyers $4.50 for postage/handling.
For Canada buyers - request shipping qute
For Australia buyers - request shipping quote
Other countries - request shipping quote
Dr Virago Pete
Phone (847) 454-7858
email drviragopete@att.net
Shipping time is 1-2 weeks (may be longer)
For people who are not handy with repairs or do not have the time to fix this yourself- I can perform repairs on all models at a labor rate of $65minimum plus return shipping and parts fee. Most repairs are $85 approx including return shipping. This is not a flat rate repair, and I reserve the right to say "no thanks" to very bad condition machines or to charge more if multiple problems exist. Please contact me for a quote based on your machine's condition.